Logishop version 2023.2 has arrived
The Logishop 2023.2 feature version has been released, which includes new features and the development of existing features.
While maintaining the technical semantic version, we have introduced feature drop versions, which are kept in the format YYYY.##, e.g. 2023.2, and are released 4 times a year.
New features, updates in Logishop version 2023.2
1. Order of payment methods: possibility to set the payment methods and their order for each delivery method and separate B2C and B2B segments.
2. List sorting logic: for each product list, you can set the sorting logic for the products by default. Multiple criteria can be added and their order of ranking can be specified. For example, you can select the products in stock, the products from the preferred manufacturers and the products on sale.
3. Stock notification: users can request notification when a product is back in stock or to pre-order.
4. Social media icons editable: editing and placing social icons in the e-commerce website interface.
5. Structured delivery of product variant data to Google for higher SEO ranking.
6. Standardising the access and alt-tag value of product images: a feature added to the previous media library development improves the SEO rating of images uploaded for products and variants and reduces manual work.
7. Product list filter value ordering: product list filter value ordering allows the admin to set an order for the parameter values of filters on the product list pages according to the type of parameter or via the drag-and-drop method.
8. Speed optimisation: dynamic setting of image sizes, introduction of cache solutions, introduction of caddy web server, replacement of images inserted in CKEditor with optimized size images.
+1: Bugfix, improvements for stability and increase of test coverage.